Day 4

The kids LOVED washing the windows.

Today was a lot of driving. And sleeping. And driving. We wanted to go to Glacier National Park but we didn’t leave early enough from Aunt Nancy’s. Which was completely ok because it really was so great to see her and visit. 

We decided to drive to Kalispell, Montana and enter the park tomorrow. The only problem was there were no hotels available in the area. I’ve never driven the Alcan this time of year and so I’ve never dealt with the tourist season. All I can say is, “Wowza!” Book as early as you can because things really do fill up! If it was just me, I’d sleep in the car and not sweat it. I’ve slept on the side of the road in my car during this drive before. Once you cross into Canada and get going on the actual Alcan, there are so many rest stops and pull outs, it’s crazy. The semi-drivers are all really nice and I have never felt as safe as I have sleeping in my car in between two semi’s at a rest stop. But with kiddo’s (especially a 4 year old) it’s a completely different story. At least for me.

Kalispell is Kali-stunning!

My dad suggested we call my brother-in-law Tyler’s folks. They live in Kalispell. Doug and Julie were SO. KIND! and offered to let us stay the night. Truly some of the nicest people ever! They just took us in, fed us dinner, hung out and chatted with us, and just made us feel like we were part of the family. (Friends, there really are good, good, good people in the world!)

This part of Montana is GORGEOUS! I did not take many photos today of the landscape. I will definitely do that tomorrow. We found out that Glacier National Park, in addition to park entrance fees, takes vehicle registration fees as well. You not only have to buy your park ticket, but you have to pay to have your vehicle in the park. And those reservations are snatched up months in advance. Unless we want to wake up at 3:30am so we can leave by 4:00am to be at the park in line by 4:45am and HOPE that we are early enough to be let in before the 6am cut-off time… ugh. We decided not to do that. We decided to just get a move on and head into Canada tomorrow. I feel like the REAL road trip begins tomorrow. Hopefully we have all our documentation to get through the border. I’ll post more about that tomorrow. :)