Day 3
Otto, WY Cemetery
We had a lovely time at my dad’s classmates home, Adrian and Carrie Preator. They are so nice and just absolutely the best host and hostess. Carrie made us a big breakfast of sausage, bacon, biscuits and gravy. The kind of farm breakfast that sticks to your bones. We had a great time with them.
After we left the Preator’s we went over to Otto, Wyoming where the cemetery is. We saw my aunt Katherine’s grave, my grandparents, and my great-grandparents. It is a beautiful little cemetery with lots of family plots. My dad was able to tell me about our Heath line, the Hopkins, the Jones family, the Wardell’s, Tolman’s, etc… so many connections. Which I love. It was a sweet moment.
Tender Moments
An interesting thing happened at the gravesite. Mackenzie ran over to a grave on the other side of the cemetery and stopped. It was interesting because she ran right to this grave without any hesitation - she knew exactly where she was going. So she runs over to this grave, stops, and said, “Mom, I really miss her.” In my faith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we believe that we all existed as spirits in the pre-mortal existence. We also believe that when we die there is an afterlife and that we will be with family and friends again. I have no idea what the interaction is, if any, between pre-Earth life and post-Earth life. But, I do believe that this was a very sweet moment in the cemetery today and that there is every cause to believe that Mackenzie knew this woman, Lillian Jones, in the pre-Earth life. Mackenzie was so heartfelt as she said it and it was very sweet.
She also said, “The people buried in the ground part is sad because we can’t see them. But the stones on the ground are exciting!” 😂 She found another gravestone she insisted the person was from Alaska because, “The top is a mountain!”
Family History
My great-grandparents at the top (Cora and Ralph Heath).
My two aunts: Katherine (the oldest) and Naomi (the youngest). Naomi passed at 2 years old from pneumonia. My heart breaks for my grandma. That must have been so very heartbreaking. I didn't spend much time with my aunt Katherine, but I do remember how kind she was. She always had something nice to say when I did see her and she had a great smile.
My grandparents Lora May and Ralph (who often went by Levar). We weren't able to spend very much time with them as I was growing up. It was neat to hear stories about them from my dad's friends when they all came over to Adrian and Carrie's house last night. My grandparents were kind people who were loved by their family and community. I especially love my grandpa's smile in this picture.
We made it to my aunt Nancy’s house in Billings. We spent the rest of the day hanging out with Nancy, her husband uncle Scott (who Mackenzie calls “Amazing Uncle Scott”. Lol) We also had a surprise visit from my cousin Christy (who I haven’t seen in 8 years - it was an absolute TREAT to see her!), her son Anthony and his girlfriend Becca (they are both so cute!), and my cousin Byron (Scott and Nancy’s son). I haven’t seen him since he was little. It was fun to just laugh, talk, play games, and hang out. It’s fun that I like my dad’s family, my mom’s family, and my husband’s family. I feel truly blessed!
Also, fun side note, I am sleeping under two quilts that my Grandma Heath pieced together and hand quilted. They are GORGEOUS! Her hand appliqué is really really good. I love to quilt so it was pretty cool to feel that connection with my grandma even though she passed 8 years ago.