Day 1

Heading Out

I never feel like a road trip has begun until after the initial filling of the gas tank. There’s something exhilarating that comes with the knowledge that your tank is full and you can drive several hundred miles before filling up again. 

We filled up, started driving, then I realized I still had our mail key. We needed to meet up with my husband to give it to him. I laughingly suggested that I mail it to him once we got to Alaska but… 😜😂🤣

My kids and I took a massive road trip last summer. We traveled through 12 states in one month.  It was a blast. I learned though, that how you pack your food makes a HUGE difference between happy pit stops and frustrating ones. This year I decided to buy a plastic drawer storage unit. So far it is LOVELY! 

Idaho Sign

Had to take a picture by the Welcome to Idaho sign! And, I had to sing part of the Idaho state song:

  🎶 And here we have Idaho, 

winning her way to fame!

Silver and gold in the sunlight blaze, 

and romance lies in her name! 🎶

(That’s for you Kate Brenchley! ❤️) My kids were totally willing and eager to take the picture with me. Even Skyler! Little do they know that this is only the first of MANY pictures next to signs that we will be taking. We’ll see how long the happy attitudes and patience with momma’s picture happy ways goes! 🤣

My baby brother (who’s now taller than me) lives in Idaho with his wife and three kiddos. They. Are. Awesome. My sister-in-law says that, individually, Tony and I are intelligent people. The "problem" is, the longer we hang out together the dumber we get. She’s not wrong. 😂😂😂 

It was a blast to hang out with them.  The little cousins all play super well together and I love that they get to hang out! 

We are staying tonight with some dear family friends, the Farrers. I could write an entire blog post about how much we love the Farrer family - we have been best friends with them since I was a senior in high school. So many things I could say but I will stick with I love them and I am grateful they are in my life. Their daughter Amanda has kiddos that are close to mine. They got to play and Amanda and I got to catch up for a bit. It was delightful! Amanda’s youngest is named Aimee and it was so fun to give each other Amy/Aimee hugs! Lol - she is such a doll! Staying with Clark and Nancy Farrer for a night is the icing on the cake of Day 1!